Green Light!

WOOHOO!! I got the green light from The Book Designer (self-publishing consultant) that I am making the correct computer corrections on my drawings!


Chinquapin pencil drawing


It also means that I can now sell the drawings because THEY DON’T HAVE TO BE RESCANNED!!

Excuse me for shouting. I am SO RELIEVED.

Sorry. Trying to get a grip here.

It also means it is time to figure out prices. The pencil drawings are odd sizes, unlike the standard sizes I usually draw for commissioned pieces.

Gotta go – lots of work ahead!!

P.S. For the benefit of Mr. Google and anyone looking for my upcoming book, these are pencil drawings of the cabins of Wilsonia for the upcoming book The Cabins of Wilsonia. Really! It is coming up and sooner than I thought. No date yet. . .

P.S. #2 Speaking of dates, 6 years ago I began blogging about life as an artist here (it will open in a new window if you click on it.) And, 10 years ago on this date I broke three bones in my ankle, had lots of metal inserted, had a year of several surgeries, now have a Frankenfoot and am deeply grateful for the ability to walk.

2 thoughts on “Green Light!

  1. Leah Catherine Launey

    YAAAY 🙂 I appreciate the anniversaries, as well! As for the latter, I had been walking with a “Frankenfoot” for 41 years when suddenly the old injuries in that foot decided to start causing me pain again. Today I’m recovering from surgery and so far I’m pain-free. YAY, again 🙂 I, too, had been told, 41 years ago, that I’d never walk again. I didn’t realize we had this in common. I’m so glad you can walk, too! Leah

    1. cabinart Post author

      Wow, Leah, I wish you a speedy recovery! I was 44 when my Bad Ankle Year began. . .

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