Monthly Archives: January 2015

The Cabins of Wilsonia is Now on Amazon!!

Now there are several options to buy a copy of The Cabins of Wilsonia.

After spending most of a day with a fantastic technician from AT&T, I have good internet speed for the first time ever. This means I was able to actually load Amazon for a change. It also means I was able to list my book for sale on Amazon!


The Cabins of Wilsonia on Amazon

Isn’t technology simply amazing when it works??

I’m thrilled. Simply thrilled! (doesn’t take much in my simple life)

Next, perhaps I’ll get a review or two. Perhaps I’ll even figure out how to put a description in for the book, or show a few interior pages. It’s all supposed to be so simple.

One thing at a time. Let’s not overwhelm the simple pencil artist who lives in a cabin without electricity for a good portion of her life.

Simple is the word of the day here.

A List Mostly Pertaining to The Cabins of Wilsonia Book


  1. There are many many boxes of The Cabins of Wilsonia in my workshop and house.
  2. Perhaps 1/5 of them now have cover stickers applied.
  3. The boxes weigh 31 pounds each.
  4. The boxes contain 11 books each.
  5. My husband and I each keep a sample book and a few to sell in our vehicles.
  6. The local paper in Three Rivers, The Kaweah Commonwealth wrote a nice (mostly) factual article about The Cabins of Wilsonia for last Friday’s paper.
  7. Many of the folks who received their copy have written or called or emailed me to express their happiness at the quality of the book.
  8. #7 makes me really happy!
  9. Eventually, when AT&T stops messing around and my internet is more reliable and the speed that I am paying for, THEN perhaps I’ll be able to figure out how to put the book on Amazon. Update: I put the book on Amazon but no matter what I try, it doesn’t come up on Amazon. I emailed for help and didn’t hear back; I think my email is also not working. 
  10. I started a new drawing just because I can.
  11. I’m painting an indoor mural in Visalia. You can read about it and follow the progress here. That’s my new website!

It’s Complicated


 Remember in the olden days before computers were common? The idea was that computers would simplify our lives, making everything instant and easy and paperless.

Have you fallen over laughing? Or are you banging your head on the wall?

What does this have to do with The Cabins of Wilsonia?

The book is for sale. You can buy it from me in person, use Paypal through this blog (that button that says Add to Cart), or mail me a check. You can even email me using the contact thing at the top of this blog and we’ll work out something.

But why isn’t it on Amazon yet?

Because it is complicated.

I’ll eventually get it there, but since I’ve been rebuilding my main website since October, I’m kind of tired of messing around on the computer.

Simplify our lives? Hahahahahahaha!

Happy to provide a laugh for you today. 😎

First Saturday Three Rivers

News flash – out of propane, dress warmly on Saturday for visiting my studio!

The first Saturday of each month is a special day in Three Rivers, California. Stores have specials, and artists open their studios.

My studio will be open on Saturday, January 3, 2015. (That’s the first time I’ve written that year!)

It will be a good time for you to get your copy of The Cabins of Wilsonia!

Hmmm, I see that the title of this first Saturday is “Let It Snow”. It just might!

P.S. I don’t accept credit or debit cards. Cash and checks are fine.

First Saturday January