Monthly Archives: March 2013


As I finish a page, I pull out my scrappy sketches to see what to do next. Since this book is being drawn and arranged alphabetically by street name, there aren’t any superfluous decisions about that.

But, I designed this awhile ago. As it progresses, I rethink the layout of the drawings. I rethink which views of which cabins belong in the book. Fortunately, I don’t rethink whether or not the book is going to happen – that is non-negotiable.

Now on Manzanita Street/Lane/Avenue/Road, (what are these things called??), I questioned my choices of cabins, views, details, and page layout. What was I thinking when I designed this? WAS I thinking??

Hmmm, perhaps it is time to show you an earlier pencil drawing from Mason Street/Drive/Road/Lane/Boulevard. (Just kidding about the Blvd. . . it is a cabin community, not a city!)



This is a most unusual chimney with a built in area for an outdoor fire too. I love shingle siding and stone work. The book will probably be heavily weighted in that direction. Just warning you all!

Pencil Drawing #117 is Finished!

Remember that I had to draw the dog before the fleas?

Here is the dog with all the fleas!

Wilsonia out building


This is drawing #117. I don’t know what it is, but it is certainly interesting. It has history, lots of stories, but it isn’t talking. Sort of looks like a slave cabin. I know there were many Southern sympathizers in Tulare County during the War Between The States but I don’t believe there was slavery here.

To stay on schedule, #126 needs to be completed by March 31.

How Do You Draw?

As a right hander, I work from top to bottom, left to right. This prevents smearing.

First, I figure out what size the drawing needs to be to fit on the page, as I’ve designed it. (Or redesigned it, in many cases)

Second, I lightly draw in where the main parts belong. This is an outline form, and essentially, I am drawing the dog before the fleas.

Third, I begin shading, working top to bottom, left to right.

Want to see one in progress? (Thought I’d never ask, did you??)

in progress

What is this little building?

Beats me. It isn’t a Wilsonia cabin, but sits (or stands?) behind one.

Questions, always more questions

Asking questions is a great way to learn.

Where can you learn more about this project, The Cabins of Wilsonia? Right here!

Wilsonia out building


What is this little building?

Beats me!

Why are you drawing this book?

  1. I love to draw.
  2. I love to draw cabins.
  3. The Cabins of Mineral King was a very enjoyable and rewarding project, and people have asked me to do the same for Wilsonia.
  4. Cabin communities are treasures to be cherished, preserved and celebrated.

Where are you in the project?

Right on schedule! (thanks for asking, great question, and all the other automatic responses that interviewees give. . .)


Cranking up the Drawing Machine

I last reported to you on the book progress on February 26, saying that my quota for February had been met.

pencil drawing of Wilsonia cabin

Perhaps you are wondering why I didn’t take the opportunity to get ahead a bit. This is a legitimate question, and I have 3 reasons for not forging ahead of schedule.

1. I went to Chicago on a 5 day trip. (Okay, I was only in Chicago itself for one short day, but if I said I went to Downers Grove, you might just say “Hunh?” Or perhaps you are more refined than that and might say “Where?”) You can read about it and even see photos on my other blog, beginning February 27.

2. It is time for me to complete some oil paintings for a request, a barter, and a gallery in Three Rivers (Colors has no website, but might be on Facebook, which I am not, so you are on your own there.)

3. My husband Michael (AKA Trail Guy) and I recently designed and ordered custom Mineral King tee shirts and they are now available! That has taken up some potential drawing time.

In other words, there is more to my life than drawing The Cabins of Wilsonia, and sometimes I have to do a bit of a juggling act.

But fear not – the drawing machine has been restarted! #116 is on the table.