Pencil Drawing #117 is Finished!

Remember that I had to draw the dog before the fleas?

Here is the dog with all the fleas!

Wilsonia out building


This is drawing #117. I don’t know what it is, but it is certainly interesting. It has history, lots of stories, but it isn’t talking. Sort of looks like a slave cabin. I know there were many Southern sympathizers in Tulare County during the War Between The States but I don’t believe there was slavery here.

To stay on schedule, #126 needs to be completed by March 31.

4 thoughts on “Pencil Drawing #117 is Finished!

    1. cabinart Post author

      Pat, how sweet of you to read and comment! Thank you for your kind words – I really appreciate your opinion and hearing from you.

    1. cabinart Post author

      Thanks, LC! This one was fun – all the wondering about what it could be really kept my mind going while my pencils were flying.

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