Confidence Weakened, Confidence Restored

There are over 200 cabins in Wilsonia. I have eddresses for about 40 of the cabin owners. Once in awhile I send out an email update on the project.

Now that the drawings can be sold, I emailed each of the folks whose eddress I have, folks I thought might like first dibs on buying the drawing(s) of their cabins.

I sent this drawing to a couple.

pencil cabin drawingAs I looked at it on my screen, I thought “HEY! Why are the lines on the roof crooked??” Then I hit Send anyway.

The next day I went through my photos to see how I could have made such an amateurish drawing mistake. Yikes, the humiliation.

This is what I saw:

wilsonia cabin photo


The lines are crooked on the drawing because they are crooked on the roof. I bet you probably can’t even figure out what was bugging me here!

Allll righty then. Confidence restored.