pencil drawing

Today I went digging around in my old emails and paperwork from the printer. I found what I think is the name of the binder. After Googling it and finding a phone #, I called the place. OF COURSE there was an automatic phone answering system, which listed names that meant nothing to me. The last choice was “zero”, so I pressed that and got some dude’s voicemail.

I left a message with my name and number, asking him if I had a book in his bindery and asking him to call me back.


Suddenly, I had an email from the so called “customer service” representative. It said this:

The binder just called and said they plan to ship books on Friday.  I’ll let you know when I have confirmation.

Coincidence? Probably not.

A sure thing? More will be revealed. . .

The Cabins of Wilsonia may arrive before Christmas.