Words From the Book Printer


Feeling antsy, anxious, and many other sorts of nervous and negative emotions, I emailed the printer’s “customer service” representative to inquire about the upcoming book, The Cabins of Wilsonia.


Multiple rows of knitting later (I don’t smoke or bite my nails), I received this response:

I apologize for the delayed response.

 I contacted our Purchasing dept for shipment details.  It turns out that your books have not shipped yet.  All we know at this time is that due to mechanical problems with their binding line they were unable to bind and case bound books for 4 days.  It sounds like they are up and running again and are prioritizing the backlog of work.  Our Purchasing guy is doing what he can to get firm details on when your books will be able to ship.

I know this is very distressing news.  I’ve made it very clear to everyone on how important it is to get books shipped. We are doing everything we can to work with the binder to get them shipped as soon as possible.

Don’t you feel reassured? I think she meant to say “any case bound” rather than “and case bound”. I bet she is a bit anxious and nervous every time my name pops up in her in-box.

Excuse me. I need to return to my knitting.

4 thoughts on “Words From the Book Printer

  1. Jennifer Dougan

    Aiye! I’m sorry about the delay in your book binding. I like the yarn texture and colors here in the painting though.

    And, after perusing your other site, I feel more caught up on your blog news anyway: re-colored touch ups to the cowboy ( I liked the sepia photo look), new calendar coming out (it looks lovely), and autumn leaves.

    How are you? I thought of you last week when I used a food term to describe the sunset, and again tonight when I was revising out my typos. It made me grin.

    Warmly to you California girl,
    Jennifer Dougan

    Have you read “A Million Little Ways” by Emily P. Freeman? You might like it.

    1. cabinart Post author

      Jennifer, I’m just dying over this book thing. It should have been here in SEPTEMBER, and they still can’t tell me squat. Thanks for checking in and for your kind comments (typos and food, teeheehee) and for the book recommendation. Never heard of it but now it is on my list!

  2. Gwen Bortner

    I was also struck by the drawing of the yarn. As a professional knitting instructor and designer I want to know what you are planning on making with the Berroco Cotton Twist. It is a lovely color!

    PS — Sorry for the hassle about the books — that sort of thing is maddening!

    1. cabinart Post author

      Thank you for your kind words, Gwen! Wow, a professional knitting instructor and designer? I am in awe. True confessions are that I made up the color of the yarn. It was actually a periwinkle blue, and it is becoming a cardigan that isn’t turning out very well. This is because I am a bit of a rogue knitter. . .

      And thank you for your understanding about the books. If it wasn’t for knitting, I’d be gnawing my fingernails or something other horrid thing.

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