Now How Many Are Left?

As I work on The Cabins of Wilsonia, I continue to revise and redesign.

wilsonia cabin interiorAlthough I find this light enchanting, this photo will not become a drawing.


Sometimes I think a page looks finished, and then I’ll decide it needs something else. Sometimes I look at a page with drawings to be done and realize it is just crammed too full so something has to go away. Sometimes I look at a completed drawing and think “I can do better”. Sometimes I look at a photo I was intending to draw and I think, “Ick, not doing that!”.

With all that revising, adding and deleting, the math gets a little squishy. Currently I’m not sure how many drawings the book will contain, but now I know this:

At last count, there are THIRTY-FIVE TWENTY-SIX TWENTY-TWO drawings left to do. 

2 thoughts on “Now How Many Are Left?

  1. George Burgess

    The other day we saw our cabin’s bay window. It was a nice drawing but the one we like the best is the one we commissioned with the new deck. Our cabin is at 83885 Tyndall Lane. I’m not sure that any cabin deserves two pictures. No matter what you decide, we will certainly purchase one of your books. Sincerely yours, George

    1. cabinart Post author

      Hey George, I’m glad you recognized your window! Because the book is my own project not commissioned by anyone, you will see certain partiality in my choices of drawings. For example, I definitely gravitate toward shingle siding, and think your cabin is a handsome example. Thank you for following the progress and I’m glad you are interested in buying a book when I finally finish them.

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