Bay Windows are Rare in Wilsonia

I only know of two bay windows on Wilsonia cabins. WAIT! I just thought of a third – it is on the newest cabin.

As I designed the book and chose the pictures to include, there was a continual balancing act between the common and the uncommon. Bay windows caught my eye because they are uncommon.

WAIT! I just thought of more: one on Cedar and one on Kaweah.

Here is one on Park and one on Tyndall.

park 2 Tyndal 3

Can you think of any more?

2 thoughts on “Bay Windows are Rare in Wilsonia

  1. Linda Gardner

    Can I pre-buy one of your Cabins of Wilsonia books? The photos of the drawings are great.

    1. cabinart Post author

      Linda, how nice of you to ask, and thank you for liking my drawings. Because the book isn’t finished, I haven’t yet got any estimates from printers and binders, so I don’t know what to charge. So, no pre-buying yet, but when I know the price, I’ll be sending out info in order to earn enough $ to pay for the printing and binding. Thanks again – so nice to hear from you!

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