Alta Through Laurel, Finished!

As I draw this book alphabetically street by street, I feel a sense of progress.


pencil drawing of Wilsonia cabin

This cabin looked boxy from the front. After I passed by it about the one thousandth time, I began noticing interesting details. Have you ever seen a cabin this shape before?

It is part of the book because I want both the typical and the atypical. Bet you can tell which category this drawing fits into.

This is #111.

Part of the fun of drawing a self-designed and self-published book is that I get to draw whatever strikes my fancy. NO ONE would ever commission me to draw this view of his cabin!! When people commission this California artist to draw their cabins, they choose the front. Always. No exceptions. Amen.

Being a California artist, nay, a California pencil artist, a cabin artist, Cabinart herself, sometimes I like to choose the offbeat, the unusual, the most interesting view, the unique. This pencil drawing qualifies for all of the aforementioned.

2 thoughts on “Alta Through Laurel, Finished!

  1. cabinart Post author

    Catherine, I would have missed it if I hadn’t walked down that street deliberately looking for something to draw.

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