Map or Compass?

While drawing, I listen to various podcasts on the internet. Recently I’ve listened to every interview I can find with Seth Godin, who is brilliant. (He is a little bit too brilliant for me to always understand.) His latest book, The Icarus Deception is about how the world has changed from being a place of industry and manufacturing to a place of ideas and connection. He says we no longer have a map, but instead have a compass.

This sort of makes sense to me. As I work on this book, I am in uncharted territory. There is no list of directions titled “How To Completely Self-Publish A Book of Pencil Drawings of an Unfamiliar Place and Then Sell It So You Don’t Have To Find A Real Job”.

Instead, I’m figuring it out. I have lists, lots of lists. I drew up pages of how the book might look, page by page, street by street. Then I scribbled it out, and redrew it. Then I counted up the pages per street and compared it to the number of cabins per street and drew it again. “Drew” is a bit of an exaggeration here – “Scribbled” is more accurate.

Want to see a page?



I’d be in a world of hurt if I lost these pages. They are in a manilla envelope with the word “Pages” written large in magic marker at the top. If my studio burns, and I’m not around but you are, grab that envelope for me, will you please?
