Chair Obsession

Do I have an obsession with chairs? It is possible.

Have a look at some of my favorite pencil drawings from The Cabins of Wilsonia.  (The reason I have to reannounce the title of the book is so that anyone asking The Google about it will have a better chance of locating it. Tech. . . sigh.)

There are plenty more, but now I want to show you the chair in my studio. It is a recent addition, so I feel quite happy about it. It is the blue one, and the first day I sat in it to do computer work, I fell asleep! (I am quite happy about the wooden one too, but it has been here since 2002 when I moved my studio into this little building.)

My young cats feel quite happy about it too.

4 thoughts on “Chair Obsession

  1. Susan Davis Martin

    For me, chairs are evocative. Particularly, relaxation on the porch or veranda. Or, around the dining table. Or, in an overstuffed chair reading a book. Moody comment, and just what fall brings about in me. As per tech stuff, it is true–you have to maintain on online presence. (just changed my web domain–a pain and a blessing)

  2. sue

    Hey, that first chair is at the Speth Spot! I would love to purchase a copy of your drawing for our home at the beach. Can we email each other about that? Thank you for considering it. Sincerely, Susan Speth

    1. cabinart Post author

      Hi Sue, and welcome to the blog! I will email you about the drawing. Good spotting, good recognition! (It is the drawing in the book, “The Cabins of Wilsonia” in the Fern chapter.)

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