Chance Encounter Near Mineral King

This oil painting, Long Way There, shows a tiny portion of the Mineral King Road. It is available for sale on my other website,

After getting this blog repaired, I thought I’d post regularly. But, I didn’t have anything to say! Why not? Because I didn’t visit Wilsonia this summer, had no book signings, and nothing of significance in my little world of The Cabins of Wilsonia happened until this week when I had a chance encounter.

I was driving down the Mineral King Road, coming home from my own cabin, when a red car caught up to me. As is the custom with mountain driving etiquette, I pulled over. The red car passed, and I stayed a respectful distance behind, enjoying the chance to follow a good mountain driver.

A little further down the road, the red car pulled over for me to pass. I pulled alongside, put down my passenger window, and the driver also opened her window. I complimented her on her skillful handling of the very winding narrow road and said I’d been enjoying following her. She thanked me, said they pulled over to look at a rock and that she would enjoy following me for awhile.

When we were almost to the bottom of the hill, I saw a propane truck heading our way. I took the nearest turnout, making room for the red car behind me, and while we were waiting for the truck to pass, the passenger got out of the red car and approached my passenger window. 

I opened the window, and he said, “You are the Cabinart artist! We are from Wilsonia!” 

Oh my. CABNART is my license plate. I’m glad I was a courteous driver that day. I may have said something brainless such as, “What are you doing in my mountains??” (probably not quite that stupid, but possibly close. . .)

I had met these folks and didn’t recognize them in a completely out-of-context situation. We had a nice quick chat, I recommended a place for lunch in Three Rivers, and we were soon on our way.

What a hoot!! Tulare County is very small, and it is impossible to remain invisible or anonymous.

2 thoughts on “Chance Encounter Near Mineral King

  1. Susan

    Jana! Lovely to see your post. No Wilsonia this summer? Are you as impacted up there with smoke and wildfires as we are in the Siskiyous? It has been the worst summer ever, and that is saying something. Cabin fever and smoke sick, love, Susan

    1. cabinart Post author

      Hi Susan! Thank you for checking in! Yes, smoky, but probably worse down in Three Rivers than up in Mineral King. And this summer I didn’t really have a reason to go to Wilsonia since the book is finished and those who wanted one have bought their copy. Besides, I have my own cabin in another part of the mountains. . .

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