The Fourth of July in Wilsonia

The Fourth of July is a busy day in Wilsonia. It starts with a parade at Grant Grove at 11 a.m. In the afternoon beginning at 1 there is a silent auction of really neat stuff at the clubhouse. At 1:30 is an ice cream social, also at the clubhouse. Then at 6 in the evening, there is a potluck and the silent auction concludes at 8 p.m.

I’ll be there with my neighbor/friend Robin, with boxes of books and the original drawings. (The drawings will be at the cabin where we will be staying in the Masonic Tract).

This drawing will be in the silent auction:

Meadow Cabin

It kind of gives the false impression of a cabin isolated in the woods instead of a cabin surrounded by 213 other cabins in a delightful community known asĀ Wilsonia!


2 thoughts on “The Fourth of July in Wilsonia

    1. cabinart Post author

      Tom and Nancy, thank you for reading and commenting! Someone won the drawing of your cabin in the silent auction on July 4. (I emailed you just before replying to your comment, so check your spam box in case you haven’t found it.)

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