A Proof Copy

Wilsonia cabin

What’s a proof copy??

It’s an unbound copy of the book (The Cabins of Wilsonia) on paper. The pictures and type are the correct size but it is on oversized paper with trim lines.

I asked what I am looking for, since I provided camera ready copy. The answer was this:

“In the proofs, you should be looking to see if all elements at printing per your expectations.  Are the running heads aligning correctly? Are the margins correct?  Are the images in place correctly?  Watch for font issues. Sometimes they do weird things and throw a symbol or wrong font in there.  Otherwise, just make sure it looks good and meets your expectations.  If you’re not sure of something be sure to ask.  Once it’s printed it will be expensive to fix.”

Teeheehee – “Once it’s printed it will be expensive to fix.” (And did you notice the typo in the quote from the printer?)

No kidding! I’d have to pay to have it reprinted!

I found one little thing – there were 2 spaces between a couple of words. I thought about leaving it and then having a contest to see if anyone could find it. I changed my mind. It is now fixed.

I also noticed that the type is sort of biggish-looking. Since I know more folks who use reading glasses than those who do not, this is fine. It was intentional, but I didn’t know it would be sort of like an easy-reader look. Still, this is fine.

I thought it was going to be here by the end of September. Now I am not sure.

More will be revealed in the fullness of time.