Book Report on Small Stuff

Getting closer every week. . . closer to what? Getting the book, The Cabins of Wilsonia, to the printer, that’s what!

shooting star

Shooting stars are small, but in great numbers they make an impact, just like all the tasks left to do before the book goes to the printer.

What’s left?

1. Figure out how to align the page numbers perfectly so when you flip through the book, they don’t jump.

2. Redo the page numbers, which are off because I added 4 more pages in order to have multiples of 16.

3. Make sure the page numbers match the table of contents.

4. Write the acknowledgements page (and stop asking people to help because the page will need to be revised every time someone new helps!)

5. Decide if I want a Library of Congress Card Catalog Number.

6. Figure out how to convert the whole thing to the format required by the printer.

7. Count my pennies to see if I have enough to start the printing process.

8. Oh yeah – choose the paper for the pages. They don’t have my first choice, so I will have to be sure that I don’t get careless and accidentally choose my third choice instead of my second.

Small stuff, except for that page number repair business.

wilsonia meadow

See how all those small shooting stars make an impact when assembled in a meadow. Very soon all my small drawings will be assembled in a cover!

2 thoughts on “Book Report on Small Stuff

  1. cabinart Post author

    Thank you, Susan, for the reminder about the presence of God in the details! And for appreciating my photography and metaphor. Sometimes those just come to me as I am typing along. . .

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