Sold Cabin Drawings

Once I learned that the drawings for the upcoming book The Cabins of Wilsonia did not have to be rescanned (GLORY HALLELUJAH!), I began contacting the cabin owners that I’ve met to offer them “first dibs” on the drawings of their cabins.

I only have contact information for about 37 of the cabin owners. (Like that “about 37”? That is sort of like saying “The time is around 12:08 p.m.”) So, if you suspect that your cabin may appear in the book, use the contact tab at the top of my blog and get in touch with me.

Meanwhile, have a look at a few completed drawings that now have a new home.

HIllcrest 4 Hillcrest 13

Park 20 Park 151 Park 152


Sometime I’ll show you some of the drawings that the cabin owners decided they didn’t want to buy. I find it mildly interesting, and you might too. Or maybe I’ll give it some more thought and decide not to show those. More will be revealed in the fullness of time. . .

2 thoughts on “Sold Cabin Drawings

  1. George burgess

    Besides the drawing we commissioned, there were a couple more close ups. We are not interested in buying them but we are ready to purchase your book when it is ready. Best wishes George.

    1. cabinart Post author

      Thank you, George! I will be posting the 2 close-ups of your cabin as being for sale for the general public. Thank you for letting me know, and thank you for your best wishes!

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