Blue Things and Sunshine

Now that the drawings are finished (with the possible exception of a couple of do-overs and some frou-frous for wordy pages), it is time to work on the written parts.

But first, let’s take a little break and enjoy some sunshine.

blue things and sunshine

What do we have here?

First, the chair is my redwood throne, made by Bob Kellogg of Three Rivers. I noticed 2 of these chairs on the deck of a cabin on Fir Lane (FINALLY know what to call these streets!) and was aghast, nay, HORRIFED to see they had been painted. When I reported it to Bob, who is in the category of My Amazing Friends, he said he was the one who painted them, because they are not redwood. Always good to go to the source.

Next, there is a lovely blue garment, a congratulatory gift for completing the drawings in 2013. I LOVE blue, particularly this shade, and THANK YOU, PAT!

But wait! What else is blue? It’s a new briefcase to carry my laptop back and forth between the house and the studio. The old one developed holes on the bottom, and then the zipper permanently unzipped itself. It did pretty well considering I got it for free for joining the Book of the Month Club back in the 1980s.

I thought I could sit in my throne in the sunshine while wearing my new blue top, and work on the written parts of the book. Nope – it was too warm and too sunny too see the screen.

painted chairs

P.S. I’m sure that tree is leaning because Perkins The Outdoor Cat has been scratching on the same side, trying to push it over since it was planted in 2002.

P.P.S. (I think that’s the right to indicate a second post-script) I KNOW the studio needs painting. I’m busy putting together a book. Priorities, priorities. . .

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