My Students Continue to Keep My Work Up To Snuff

“Snuff”? Really?

Funny how many cliches we throw around without a clear understanding of their meanings. I could Google it, but I’d rather continue with this post.

It is almost impossible to proofread one’s own writing; likewise, it is hard to honestly critique one’s own artwork.

When I showed this next picture to my students, 2 of them said, “Does that bear have a black eye?”

cabin door pencil drawing


I dunno. It’s in shadow, and I was on auto-pilot or cruise-control or something equally brainless.

I tried to fix it. Not sure I succeeded. It’s lighter now, and if I hadn’t mentioned it to you, you probably wouldn’t have noticed. I’m not taking it back to show those picky people again, so there! (I bet that’s how they feel when I hold their feet to the fire, figuratively speaking. . .)

cabin door pencil drawing

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