Wilsonia Cabin Commission

As the book grows, so does my other work. Another commission came for another cabin on another street that has already been completely designed and drawn. No problem! Drawing cabins in pencil is what I do and have done since 1985. Really! (No, I wasn’t 5 years old at the time, but thanks for thinking I’m just a youngster.)

Once again we began with photos, and from these, I made 3 sketches. There was a question of which might be the best angle of the cabin, and sketches seem to be more helpful in deciding than photos.

Wilsonia cabin sketch


I had to remove many trees in order to be able to see the cabin, but don’t worry because it was a figurative removal, not a literal one. (Has anyone besides me noticed how many people misuse the word “literally” these days?? “He literally shot himself in the foot.” Really? Can he walk any more?)

B was the choice. Bet you are wondering which sketch is B, since there is no B on the page of sketches. (It is the one that isn’t A or C.)

I waited awhile to begin. There is a large painting on the easel, 2 other commission drawings, and then, of course there is The Book with its revised and loaded up schedule. Finally, I decided it wasn’t going to draw itself, so this is what I did:

Wilsonia cabin pencil drawing

Next, I wait to hear from the customers. If they are pleased, I will be pleased and I will spray fix it so it doesn’t smear. If they want changes, I won’t be as pleased, but I will do my best. It will be me that I am displeased with for not getting it right the first time, not the customers.

4 thoughts on “Wilsonia Cabin Commission

    1. cabinart Post author

      Thank you, LC! It is the light that makes anything look beautiful. . . or is it the trees? could be the detail. . .

  1. Kristalyn Patzkowski

    That is incredible! You’ve brought so much life into my grandparents’ cabin. Also, you seem to have described my Grandpa, Dennis, perfectly in your post “Cabin Life in Wilsonia, Part Two.”

    1. cabinart Post author

      Nice to hear from you, Kristalyn! Your G’pa is a hoot, and it was quite a challenge to see if I could draw the cabin to suit him, your G’ma and me. I think I succeeded, and receiving your approval made my day. Thank you!

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