Painting Wilsonia Cabin Life

My friend and regular commenter on this blog said that she thought one of my photos would make a nice painting.

Isn’t that something?? I already painted it 2 years ago!!



It was a gift for my wonderful hosts at one of the cabins in Wilsonia.

This scene epitomizes cabin life to me: welcoming, relaxing, patriotic, simple, traditional, comfortable.

As I progress in my painting skills, this now makes me cringe ever so slightly. Rather than beg them to return it so that I can fix what bothers me, I will simply be thankful for growth.

4 thoughts on “Painting Wilsonia Cabin Life

    1. cabinart Post author

      LC, isn’t this fun? The very scene you thought would look good as a painting was already painted!

  1. Pat Hillman

    I can’t imagine what you could possibly want to fix about this lovely warm painting, but I can relate to being super critical of one’s own efforts, be they artistic, culinary or in the area of public speaking especially after a lapse of time. Both your drawings and your paintings are wonderful….and I would guess you were a great cook, too!

    1. cabinart Post author

      Pat, it is my observation that by being critical of our own work and then acting on those criticisms we can improve. The thing I need to remember is to keep my self criticisms to myself and NEVER say anything critical about a piece to a customer. As to being a good cook, nope! I cook for survival – the fewer the ingredients and the quicker it comes to the table, the happier I am. (I do have a reputation for outstanding chocolate chip cookies. . .!)

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