How to Participate in This Book Project

Greetings, Gentle Readers.

There are 2 ways to participate in this project:

1. Email me your stories and thoughts about cabin ownership, membership in a lovely mountain community, or whatever seems appropriate to you to be included in the book. I plan on including many of your thoughts as quotes

2. Comment on this blog. Otherwise, the sound of crickets chirping and grass growing leads me to believe I am all alone here. Sob.

Wilsonia cabin pencil drawing


It has come to my attention that the commenting system on this blog is quite annoying. 

At the top of each post it says “Leave a reply” or “# replies”. This is clickable. Click it. Type your stuff into the appropriate places and submit or respond or enter. (I’m fuzzy here because as the “administrator” of the blog, it shows me a different method.)

You will think your comment didn’t go through. It did. It lands in a Spam folder, which I have to open and mark as “Not Spam”.

After that it goes to a “Pending” folder. I have to open that and mark your comment as “Approved”.

I will correct typos and remove anything I deem too personal for the World Wide Web. And, I will respond to your comment.

Then, I will go to the Spam folder, mark my comment as Not Spam, go to the Pending Folder and approve my own comment.

No wonder people don’t comment on this blog! If I knew how to make it easier without breaking the blog, I would. However, I need to go draw now.

Thanks for visiting, reading and commenting.