A Weird Task in Book Building

As I draw, it is necessary to scan each drawing. Then what do I do with it?

I package it up with mat board in a clear bag.

I ran out of mat boards, so went to eBay to find someone selling scraps. Because I am a very frugal person, I ordered the least expensive.

The corners were slightly banged up, but for my use, it didn’t matter.

But yuck! They smelled like mildew. I recognized this smell from when I was in college and stored some things in my uncle’s basement one summer. Smells linger in a memory. You have probably read that smells are one of the greatest memory invokers.

IMG_9571This is a small sample. You should have seen them spread all over the area that used to be my lower lawn (not enough water in my neighborhood to sustain that much green with a clear conscience.

What to do??

The sun! I laid them out in the sun. They curled. I flipped them over. They curled back. I sniffed. They smelled fine.

Phew. Who knew all the information and skills that would be necessary in building a book?