Why Blog About A Book In Progress?

a Wilsonia cabin doorPencil drawing of Wilsonia cabin door. (Thank you, Captain Obvious!)

For you:

  1. You can track my progress,
  2. You can hold me accountable, because working on my own can get a little squishy.
  3. You can correct any misinformation I have about your cabin community,
  4. You can ask any questions about my process or progress
  5. You can share this project with your cabin friends and family
  6. You can stay current. When someone wonders how it is going or if it is going, you can have the answers or send them to my blog!

For me:

  1. To have a record of my progress
  2. To be held accountable
  3. To get more accurate information if I mess up
  4. To answer any questions you have
  5. To share the project
  6. To keep you current

Hmmm. That sounded a bit redundant. Captain Obvious is alive and well on the writing end of this blog.

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