How to Draw a Book, Chapter 2

(These will be very short chapters.)

I began the process of drawing The Cabins of Wilsonia by asking some questions. Today I’ll delve into #1 – Will anyone care?

the Cabin

This drawing of a sign on the side of a Wilsonia cabin sums it up quite nicely. How many times have you heard someone refer to “The Cabin”? Don’t all cabin owners use that terminology? And don’t they all say it with great love, longing and admiration?

Who am I fooling? “They” is “we” – I too have a cabin, although not in Wilsonia. I get it.

We who have cabins L O V E them. Our families do too. Our friends love to visit us at our cabins. Our acquaintances try to weasel in on the action. (You know what I’m talking about!)

So, yes, cabin owners care.

In addition to the cabin owners, there are former cabin owners, cabin visitors, and cabin wanna-be owners.

The answer to “Will anyone care?” is YES!!