How to Begin Drawing A Book

If you are a studio artist, one who works inside a building at a drawing table with a giant magnifying light and a T-square, you begin with photographs.

cabin on Grant

I must have photographed this cabin 2 dozen times. Each time I was certain the light was better than the last.

In the summer of 2011, I stayed in Wilsonia 3 different times.

wilsonia meadow

The Jeffrey Shooting Stars were so gorgeous, and that is not something that I can depict in pencil.

Every day (except on the two when I was really sick, but let’s not talk about that) I was walking the streets of Wilsonia. I needed to become familiar, really familiar with all the cabins and all the streets.

Jeffrey Shooting Stars in Wilsonia

Did you know there are 21 28 streets in Wilsonia? Did you know that there are 212 cabins?

Wilsonia cabin detail

That’s a lot of walking, and a lot of cabins, and a lot of photographs. I was in Cabin Artist Heaven – every where I looked, there was something wonderful and new to see, photograph and draw.

Wilsonia cabin detail


You might be new to my art. If so, you might not know that my art business is called Cabinart. I began drawing the cabins in Mineral King, working strictly in pencil.

I love to draw!

Any questions so far? I’d love to hear from you in the comments! (At the top of the post, it says “Leave A Reply”. You can click this and ask or tell me anything you want me to know.)

2 thoughts on “How to Begin Drawing A Book

    1. cabinart Post author

      Great, Catherine! Thank you for letting me know. Now I can ‘splain it in the FAQs. And congratulations on being the first commenter on my new blog!

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