Category Archives: Book for sale

The Cabins of Wilsonia is Now on Amazon!!

Now there are several options to buy a copy of The Cabins of Wilsonia.

After spending most of a day with a fantastic technician from AT&T, I have good internet speed for the first time ever. This means I was able to actually load Amazon for a change. It also means I was able to list my book for sale on Amazon!


The Cabins of Wilsonia on Amazon

Isn’t technology simply amazing when it works??

I’m thrilled. Simply thrilled! (doesn’t take much in my simple life)

Next, perhaps I’ll get a review or two. Perhaps I’ll even figure out how to put a description in for the book, or show a few interior pages. It’s all supposed to be so simple.

One thing at a time. Let’s not overwhelm the simple pencil artist who lives in a cabin without electricity for a good portion of her life.

Simple is the word of the day here.